Connect your IT systems like CRM, ERP, CDP, CMS or Data & BI system with the mission‹one› Marketing Suite. With our SOAP-based webservices „CustomerInterfaceV2“, „CustomerContentInterface“ and „Transactional Mail API (TMA)“ it is possible to store and modify data in your mission-one database and to retrieve data from it such as:
- subscribers
- statistics
- newsletters
- dispatches
- single mail dispatches (TMA)
- reportings
- person groups
- target groups
- content
Here you can find the URL/WSDL and PDF documents for all mission-one webservices:
CustomerInterfaceV2 for:
- subscribers
- statistics
- reportings
- dispaches
Reference document: CustomerInterfaceV2
CustomerContentInterface for:
- creating newsletters and content
- dispatches
Description document: ContentInterface_Docs
Transactional Mail API (TMA)
The mission-one Transactional Mail API (TMA) offers individual mail dispatch via SOAP request. Existinge Newsletters from the mission-one dialogue application can be used as transactional mails, which can be conveniently edited via the WYSIWYG editor and populated with personalisation fields. Via a so-called transactional dispatch, individual mailings are combined into a group. This makes it possible to evaluate all the usual KPIs: openings, clicks, bounces, etc
SOAP Webservice EndpointsResponsible for:
- Single e-mail dispatch
- Transactional e-mails like order confirmation, back in stock information, abandoned shopping cart etc.
Description document TMA: TMA_API_Dokumentation